• الموقع : المجلس الإسلامي العربي .
        • القسم الرئيسي : لغات أخرى .
              • القسم الفرعي : English .
                    • الموضوع : The Cleric Mr. Mohamad Ali El-Husseini to France: To Augment the Coalition of Good, and to Collaborate Unitedly in Fighting the Forces of Evil .

The Cleric Mr. Mohamad Ali El-Husseini to France: To Augment the Coalition of Good, and to Collaborate Unitedly in Fighting the Forces of Evil

The Cleric Mr. Mohamad Ali El-Husseini to France: To Augment the Coalition of Good, and to Collaborate Unitedly in Fighting the Forces of Evil

The Cleric Mr. Mohamad Ali El-Husseini, Secretary-General of the Arab Islamic Council in Lebanon headed towards Paris in response to numerous invitations to take part in intellectual, political and social events and meetings.
Mr. El-Husseini stressed on the importance of extensive visits to Europe, especially in such critical circumstances as to establish a constructive dialogue with the European community. Communication and discussions become a necessity in such exceptional circumstances that the international community is encountering, particularly patent in the Arab and international fight against terrorism. 
Mr. El-Husseini observed that the fight against international terrorism is not only limited within security procedures but moreover must be a comprehensive confrontation, starting from a solid intellectual infrastructure established on revealing the virtues of moderate Islam which are based on peaceful coexistence among all of mankind. This is intended to battle the brainwashing processes practiced by deceptive terrorist groups, especially targeting the Arabs and Muslims youth in European communities.
Mr. El-Husseini cautioned that the maintenance of stability and security in Europe, as well as in other nations, is a common responsibility for all national security bodies as well as citizens and residents of all concerned countries. People in those communities must together and report any suspicious communications and activities arising from family members, neighbors and acquaintances and to promptly notify the concerned authorities.
In conclusion, Mr. El-Husseini wrapped up with the importance of collaboration of all the good-willing people in the world irrespective to their nationalities, religious backgrounds and sects and to form a global coalition led by the power of good to fight the forces of evil.
To contact the Cleric Mr. Mohamad Ali El-Husseini in France
Public Relations
Sunday, April 09, 2016

  • المصدر : http://www.arabicmajlis.com/subject.php?id=1499
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2016 / 04 / 09
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 02 / 23