• الموقع : المجلس الإسلامي العربي .
        • القسم الرئيسي : لغات أخرى .
              • القسم الفرعي : English .
                    • الموضوع : Speech by Sayed Mohamed Ali El-Husseini at the "modern Islam" conference in Brussels .

Speech by Sayed Mohamed Ali El-Husseini at the "modern Islam" conference in Brussels

Speech by Sayed Mohamed Ali El-Husseini at the "modern Islam" conference in Brussels

Dear audience, I salute you by the greeting of Islam “peace” and I pray to God Almighty that this conference to be a useful gathering for the international community and to be a factor for convergence, an element of collaboration and a mean of understanding between the peoples of the world.
God Almighty said in the Holy Quran: "This Qur'an guides to the right situation and the believers who do good deeds shall be rewarded substantially". The concept of advocating to the right and more convenient situation has been accompanied by good deeds and with another condition which is the peaceful attitude towards other people who must be spared from evil and violence whether committed through hand or tongue. In fact, this is the brilliant essence of true Islam, the essence which has been distorted and mislead by a number of people in order to stray it from the true divine path.
The secret of the survival and the sustainability of Islam depend on the modern spirit that characterizes this religion. This spirituality derives its strength from more the correct call to the better situation and based on the common good and useful work, which is reflected on the good social circles and the humanity in general.
Nowadays, we can see how several extremists groups seek to present a distorted image of Islam in a way that present Islam as a closed and unsociable religion that is not connected with the world.
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Abi Talib (may god bless his soul) had advised Muslims 1400 ago "to not to be harsh on the children because they are created for time is different than the parents’ one ". Such mentality takes into consideration the time factor and put the time difference as basis and standard in dealing with generations. This is the logic of Islam that seeks to cope with the time factor and to defuse conflicts and disagreements. This is on one hand. On the other hand, we find extremist are trying to mislead people by exerting efforts to undermine any human progress or social development and by insisting on the fundamentals of the past within rigid frames, wrongfully thinking that they are right and that is the true Islam as well. In fact, the matter contrast perfectly with Islam, the religion that calls and urges to stimulate progress and development for the benefits of all humanity.
Dear audience, the Islamic message is summarized working for all mankind coexistence, peace and love according to the divine will for that ensures prosperity and progress for everyone.
Islam can never stand against scientific, civil and cultural progress because the Islamic doctrine has always been useful to humanity. It is important to note here that humanity has always rejected by instinct every harmful phenomenon all over history. As we face the onslaught religious terrorist extremism that aims to harm the real Islam, we are asked to refute such charges and we need to show the fact that Islam has come mainly to tune with all ages in order to meet the needs and human aspirations, as it was said in the holy Quran " you need to work soon Allah will see your work and His Messenger and all believers as well”.
Mohamad Ali El Husseini
Brussels, November 201 512


  • المصدر : http://www.arabicmajlis.com/subject.php?id=1421
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2015 / 11 / 12
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 02 / 23